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Not who you thought he was

The Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan leader believed by Buddhists to be the reincarnation of the Buddha, is a darling of the West’s glitterati, who fancy the Lama’s religion to be a light kind of spirituality that offers no moral judgments... [Continue Reading]

A Modern Seminarians’ Dictionary

I saw this once back when I was in college and have regretted not keeping a copy ever since. I have sought it high and low and have finally had it come across my desk again. It is both hilarious and stunningly accurate. Read them all, you’ll... [Continue Reading]

Sick, just sick

It doesn’t get much worse than Fr. Robert Meffan. He’s unrepentant and thinks what he did was right. Read the details for yourself, but in summary, he had sex with teen girls thinking of the religious life “to show them ... that... [Continue Reading]

